The event was started in 1981 from the Rochester Invitational generated by Mike Miller. Rochester hosted their event for two years.
After the initial two years, then Portsmouth Country Club (PCC) Golf Pro, Tony Loch had always talked about the idea of a Seacoast Amateur event with John Bottomley, a member of Abenaqui Country Club. Together they gathered a group that included Champ Allard, Glenn Guillemette, Walt Jackson, and Mike Miller. These individuals talked about expanding the tournament to 54 holes and incorporating area courses to host the event. At this time Abenaqui Country Club, Wentworth By The Sea (WTBS) Country Club, and PCC joined Rochester Country Club (RCC) in the host rotation. Cochecho Country Club (CCC) Pease Golf Club and York Golf and Tennis eventually joined to host the tournament.
The Ledges joined the rotation in 2001. Breakfast Hill Golf Club joined the rotation in 2006. The Links at Outlook Golf Course and The Oaks Golf Links join in 2007, and after the Golf Club of New England established itself it was added in 2012 hosting its first round. This brings a total of twelve (12) local seacoast golf courses that will host this prestigious event.
A large reason for the success of this tournament was the need for a major sponsor and Fosters Daily Democrat has been there since the inception and continues to support the tournament. Additional funds were needed which generated the selling of “Scoreboard Sponsorships”. The “Scoreboard Sponsorships” are funded by each host course. This year a total of six (6) sponsors along with each host club have created the necessary funds to run the tournament.
The purpose of the Championship is to determine the best golfer in the seacoast area. This golfer does not have to be a member of any of the host courses, but must play the majority of their golf at one of these courses.
There is also a team competition, The Kay Stulb Memorial Championship. The three (3) low scores from each Club’s representatives in the field are counted each day of competition. The low total after three (3) rounds will determine the Team Champion.
Along with the individual and team competition, there is a senior competition, The Tony Loch Senior Championship, for those 55 years of age or older.
he Tournament shall be held at three Host Courses annually in the Greater Seacoast area. The Committee shall endeavor to recruit as many Host Courses as possible, so no undo burden is placed on any one Club.
The Mission of the Championship is to identify the best golfer in the seacoast area over three rounds of medal play.
A team competition and senior competition will be held subsequent to the Championship, but the Mission of the Championship, to identify the best individual golfer in the seacoast, shall be held foremost in the Committee’s actions.
Recognizing that the Championship Field will consist of competitors with an average handicap in the 3-5 range the Committee will endeavor to set up the host courses in such a manner that the whole field will have a challenging but enjoyable Championship. This is not a field of professional golfers, and the Committee, working with the Host Professionals and Superintendents should act accordingly.
The USGA has memorandums on how courses should be set up for competitions and the Committee shall endeavor to obtain these, keep current on changes to them and to follow these guidelines for the competition.
Regarding Host Course length set up, the Committee would like to see the Championship played from the Championship Tees at each golf course, but care should be taken for the length not to exceed 6800 yards. As equipment changes the Committee shall be cognizant of changes and recommend changes accordingly.
At all times the Committee will seek to conduct a Championship that the Greater Seacoast can be proud of, where good sportsmanship prevails, where the competition is excellent and where an enjoyable time can be had by competitors and spectators alike.